Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Brief Summary of the life of a henchman

The Everyday life of a henchmen....
7 AM:Wakes up...brushes teeth...
8 AM:finishes getting ready/puts on mandatory evil guy outfit
9 AM:heads to work/leaves sleeping quarters...
9:30 AM:Spends the next half hour thinking of how life could have been different
11 AM:Issued task for the day...pees his pants when he finds out its to assault super hero
12 PM:begins thinking of what his mom said...about being a doctor
1 PM:Is on guard...probably conversing with other henchmen...
2PM:Catches sight of super hero
3 PM:hyperventalating but overly estatic..slightly freaked out that half of his team mates are dead, but that the hero is caught
4 pm:takes hero to evil villian to hear boring master plan again
5-8 pm:Set to guard Good guy
9 pm or earlier:injured on the job during good guys heroic escape
10 pm:rushes to the hospital, only to find out his Evil Boss was lying about health insurance
11pm:He stil gets treated, however with an amputated arm.
12 AM:Finds out his boss has died...he is jobless....
1:finally returns home to cry himself to sleep....also henchmen dont get many lunch breaks...he was probably hungry too...yes he ate then slept! Maybe he didnt cry either? I mean maybe hes optomistic!

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